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Contact Us

[email protected]

For support with our products or services, reporting bugs/issues, or reporting violations of our TOS, contact us here.

[email protected]

For business or legal inquiries, opportunities, services, and careers, contact us here.

[email protected]

You might receive an automated message from this address when you create an account, forget your password, or delete your account. Do not send emails or replies to this address, it's purely for automated emails.

Email Policy

Please use the correct email from the list when contacting us. If your email is irrelevant, inappropriate, or sent to the wrong address, it may be discarded. It may take between several hours to a week for us to respond to your email. If we don't respond to your email after a week, you may follow up with a second email. Do not follow up until at least a week has passed, since we may already be working on resolving your issue during that time period.

If you receive an email from an address not in this list, please disregard and report it to us.