By playing Puzzle Minefield, you agree that you are not using any unauthorized third-party software to gain an unfair advantage.
You also agree that you are not using any bot, macro, or script to gain an advantage or play on your behalf.
Do not abuse bugs or exploits. Please report any bugs to PyroNeon Software immediately.
Do not attempt to circumvent the profanity filter. Profanity is permitted for players with it enabled, but please don't purposefully
circumvent the filter to send profane messages to players with censorship enabled.
By publishing your Puzzle Minefield server onto the PyroNeon Games server, you are confirming that it is an unmodified Puzzle Minefield server,
and that the metadata you provide about it is correct. You also agree not to collect personal data from other players without their consent, including
network information, IP addresses, or hardware specifications.
Do not distribute our source code, or sell our software for profit.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you want to use our products, software, artwork, or soundtracks for commercial purposes.
We reserve the right to refuse to punish players for expressing free speech.
By signing up for a PyroNeon Software account, you are agreeing to the PyroNeon Accounts Terms of Service.